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Monday 25 April 2011

WEBSITE: research

before i set off actually making any drafts for my website or progressing through anything in this section of the course, i had to do my own website research! and have a look at other music websites to inspire my own ideas! as i understand the whole purpose of a website is so that audiences can get to know more about an artist, so i will now look at websites i researched that were really effective at introducing a new artist to me, and at the end i will write a load of points of what i picked out from each website and how i was inspired!

1) from the kanye west website, i found the idea of having one BIG main image in the middle, regardless if its a video or still image, the tabs were around it, and the focus was the artist! so i thought..for my website i could have something BIG and attractive in the centre, and base the website around it!

2) from the kanye west website i found the idea of having twitter updates on it really good! as this clearly shows how audiences interact directly with the artist, and use of web 2.0

3) from the taylor swift website i liked the idea of having a little music button at the top, which is something i will most definetely incorporate into my website!

4) from the taylor swift website i thought the idea of edited images in the background is another good idea! this is what i wanted to have in my website, a load of edited images with the main boxes in front of it!

5) from the hoosiers website i picked out the idea of having the name up in BIG letters at the top of the website, i liked this because a) it looked good, and b) it clearly shows people WHO it is so you can know that this is definetely their official website!

6) from the hoosiers home page i like the idea of having other links on the side, including a playlist of all their recent songs, this is something i could feature in MY website!

7) from the hoosiers website i liked the idea of having a video of them in an interview on the main page! this is something i could have on my website too!

8) from the hoosiers website i like the idea of how things move when you hover your mouse over things! for example how the text goes black when you place your mouse over it!

9) from the chris brown website i really liked the idea of having his album art for "fame" on the homepage! so you can see how the albums and website link together! so i thought i can have this on my website too!

10) from the chris brown website i likd the idea of actually featuring fans on the page! you can show pictures of them on the actual page..but i thought this is something that i dont have the technical genius to carry out..but still..i'd want to feature my fans some way!

11) from the chris brown website i liked the idea of having an image of him BIG and in the middle, its edited to make him look better too! so i will most definetely have an image of Kingsta on the website as its main!

12) from the chris brown website i liked the way the menu was laid out, its a drop down which cancels out having tabs all over the place, but i'd rather have tabs on my website instead.

13) from the lilly allen website: the main thing i picked out was the fact that it had LOADS of headlines all over it! so straight away it makes you want to read it because it all just jumps out at you!

14) from the lilly allen website i liked the way that all the media was set on autoplay, so you didn't have to press play, the music just played itself, which is something i'll definetely have on my webpage!

15) from the ellie goulding website, the main thing i liked was the layout! images going across the middle, and tabs going across, this is something i will try and incorporate in my website!


1) wiley: i liked the whole "dirty border affect" the way that everything is laid out! this is something i will DEFINETELY have in my website!

2) wiley: the image of the artist "looking" at the website! i loved this idea! so i'll definetely get a pik of kingsta looking at the rest of his webpage

3) wiley: the way the video is there and it automatically plays

4) wiley: the whole "3 colour scheme" blue, white. black, so i thought i'd have red white and black theme going on becuase it'll match the DIGIPAK

5) wiley: the "news" tab, its got stuff on grime, and stuff on what he's getting up to, so i'll have this on my website too!

6) wiley: the font, its "grimey" i'll have similar font on my website too!

1)Ghetts; the amount of pictures on the website, it jumps out at you, so i thought i'd have images jump out at you

2)Ghetts; when you roll over the tabs, they colour up, they go orange!

3)Ghetts; the top has a title, and its edited, to look good!

4)Ghetts; the "about" tab, its like a contact tab, i'll have this in my website too!

5)Ghetts; every image is linked to something on the website, which is something i'll have on mine!

1) newham generalz...the a load of videos o_O

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