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Monday 25 April 2011

WEBSITE: construction

Initial website construction:

At school we were learning to use Dreamweaver to construct a website, the software looked like the screenshot above ^^ ..but i found it just WAY too confusing! the task for this section was to create only a homepage for the artist, the links didn't have to work exactly, but it had to only LOOK authentic, so i asked my media teacher who checked with the exam board if it was ok to use a free online website builder, like freewebs, or wix, i've already been using freewebs but found there's not THAT much to play around with, so i checked out wix, the basic software looked like this:

above is just a screenshot i took of from google just to show you how much more simpler it looks than dreamweaver and how easy it was for me to use!

so i started getting to know a bit more, and got to grips with all the effects, animations, toolbars, text, pictures etc etc.. i learnt SO much more here than i did trying to make a website on dreamweaver, as this was clearly laid out, and i felt as if i knew what i was doing as is very similar, this just has WAY more features.

so i started thinking about what i needed for my website!

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