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Monday 25 April 2011

CD-front cover development

 After all the feedback from the artist and the audience, i concluded which picture of the artist i should take, what he should be wearing and how he should be posing, also, what should be in the background and how it would be edited! so i got hold of the artist and took a picture, bearing in mind the feedback and how the picture should be taken, i wanted him to pose like a typical grime artist, so i got him to pose like how wiley and JME do, with an intense facial expression, i only the top half of his body for the edit, so this is all i shot. i went to take the photo as soon as i got my final round of feedback from everyone, so this is how the photo turned out to be!

Above: the final picture of Kingsta which would go on the front of my cover!

after i took the picture, i took on board the feedback, and everyone was saying to make it all red and white, and one of my audience members told me to use editing software to create a red/white threshold over the picture, i used Photoscape for this as im more familiar with it, and this is how it turned out to be:

Above: the same picture in red and white threshold on photoscape!

(ignore the wonky sticker, it was only wonky at the time i took the screenshot!)

you can see in the above picture how i FULLY took on board ALL the feedback and created it exactly how everyone wanted me to! i even wrote "kingsta" exactly how the artist wanted me to! which i did on photoscape too using a text tool!

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