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Monday 25 April 2011

CD- Front and back cover first draft & feedback

Above: my first draft of the back and front cover!


why did i do it like this?
just had a few ideas i pieced together from research;
Kano's pose: drew a picture of him looking down
parental advisory sticker: got the idea from almost all grime album covers (and its regulation too!)
brick wall: an idea i came up with, after all, grime is to do with the streets!
new era cap: wiley's album cover had him wearing a cap, and not many music genre's would have their artist wearing these caps! as they're really either hip-hop or grime!
adidas jacket: its a red one that matches with the hat
green graffiti: green is just a colour i picked and i'd say its "grimey" got the graffiti idea when i thought of the brick wall as the background! and from Skepta's album cover

How does it convey Genre?
Graffiti: really to do mostly with grime, as grime originated from the streets of East london, and ALOT of grime video's are set in the streets, with lyrics about what goes on in the streets, about how artists moved from the streets to showbiz! and graffiti is another feature in grime videos! like in newham general's video: "ard" there was graffiti everywhere, and at the start of the song, the title came up in graffiti!
Artists clothes: sports-brand-clothing, typical of grime artist's everywhere, like JME and wiley, always an adidas or nike top!
Parental advisory sticker: lyrics in grime are quite crude and send offensive messages


person 1: it looks like something anyone could do to be honest, looks tacky and not very creative, doesn't look as if you spent much time on it..and if i saw it in the shops..i wouldn't buy it..simply because it just
---constructive feedback: keep it more simple! make the image of the artist bigger! keep the sticker there! but get rid of the brick wall! its too typical! make it just a two-colour combination and carry that throughout the whole cd album!

person 2: it looks so cheap! and chavvy! the artist's pose doesn't look anything like how a grime artist would pose! look at how JME poses on his front covers! either looking straight at you or at something on the front cover! and the graffiti just looks well off!
---constructive feedback: change the pose! seriously! 

person 3: it looks little brother could have made it..its too much really, it has to be more simple! you don't even need to convey genre as much as you need to promote the artist! as people would get the genre when they hear the music! and they'd only hear the music if they buy the cd!
---constructive feedback: make it more creative! try effects in photoshop to edit his picture! and change the graffiti!

person 4: i like it..a bit..but i wouldn't buy it
---contructive feedback: the artists' picture should really be in the middle, as its the main focus! and change the graffiti, put it somewhere else? maybe change the style of it? keep the sticker though!

person 5: the pose is ok..but it would be better if he posed with an expression which we could see! like JME or Wiley! and change the graffiti! 
---constructive feedback: make the background white! it'll help the images stand out and catch people's eye!

person 6:'re background is red..and the artist is wearing red..and the graffiti's randomly green!
---if you want to keep the whole "red" theme, then just make it all red and white! except the sticker as that HAS to stay black and white!

person 7: it just looks cheap to be honest
---constructive feedback: sort out the colour scheme! and the pose of the artist! make him look like a total badman!

to be honest with you..i don't really like it..i doubt anyone's going to buy it..and the audience feedback is right! it looks cheap, i don't really want to pose like that, it doesn't make me look "street" if you get what i mean? and i don't really like that green graffiti, i don't even want graffiti! just make it proper font, and scrap the brick wall idea, no point in that really, i don't really like that either! keep the sticker there because there ARE explicit lyrics in my song! i think you should put the picture of me in the centre, and have kingsta and woos dat written on the front somewhere, i really think it should all be one colour, or just two, keep it simple, but make it creative!


why did i do it like this?
eminems' recovery: i was inspired by its back cover, of the artist facing away. a picture of his back, as this is the "back" cover! i thought it would be clever!
hoodie and cap: street clothes to convey genre of grime, its blue because it contrasts to the red clothes on the front cover
red background: just thought i'd try and match the front of a red brick wall, so it doesn't look like it's out of nowhere

how does it convey grime genre?
the clothes: as mentioned before, alot of grime artists sport clothes like these!
the facial expression: you can see how the eyebrows are furrowed, just like how Wiley furrows his, an idea i picked up from my moodboard


person 1: to be honest, i actually like it! keep this idea!

person 2: i don't really like it..the whole concept is stupid..its not really that clever
---constructive feedback: just put a simple logo on the back!

person 3: blue isn't really a "grimey" colour, and making the background red doesn't make it match the front as much!
---constructive feedback: just keep the back simple, how bout a logo? or a silhouette picture of the artist?

person 4: its pretty good! nice idea!

person 5: im not too sure about this...not many people are going to notice the back as much as the front anyway, its creative, but not really my cup of tea
---constructive feedback: just put graffiti on the back, or a logo, or a simpler picture!

person 6: put a track list on the back! seriously! scrap the picture! or put the picture in the background!

person 7: i like this idea! its creative!

person 8: scrap it. put his logo on the back.


im having mixed feelings about this one..and to be honest..i reckon you should scrap it! for alot of reasons, and the main one would be the colour! i don't like it! and blue isn't really a "grime colour" it wouldn't even match the front! why would i be wearing different clothes! on eminems' cover he's wearing the same clothes on both sides! which is why that idea works! plus, you should be more creative and not steal ideas from albums that have already been made! i suggest you put the UK grime logo on the back, it would match the front definetely, or just put "kingsta" on the back in red and white graffiti, and make the front red and white too! so it all matches! best of luck!

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