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Monday 25 April 2011

Meet the artist!

Name: Omar Malik
Artist name: Kingsta
Origination of name: "Malik" in urdu, means king! hence the name, Kingsta!
Music type: Grime
Who writes his lyrics: himself!
Is he part of a band?: no
How do we know him?: group members cousin! 
Why have we decided to use him?: we already know alot about the Grime genre, and we listen to a few other artists in the grime genre,  there aren't many like him to be honest, as most grim artists are black! most similar artist to him would be Raxstar rapper. Another reason why we decided to use him is because its going to be easy to get hold of him as he lives in the same area as us too! and he is also willing to make a video and marketing package for his name!

so i'm guessing you want to hear what his music sounds like too? eh? 

Above: Kingsta's - "Woo's dat?" this is defintelely going to be the song in his promo video as its definetely the most catchiest! 

Above: Kingsta's - "Unknown stranger" - just another one of his tracks really.

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