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Sunday 24 April 2011

Feminsm & Post-Feminism

Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Its concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Much of feminism deals specifically with the problems women face in overcoming social barriers, but some feminists argue that gender equality implies a necessary liberation of both men and women from traditional cultural roles, and look at the problems men face as well. Feminists—that is, persons practicing feminism—may be persons of either sex.
Feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements and includes general theories and theories about the origins of inequality, and, in some cases, about the social construction of sex and gender, in a variety of disciplines. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rights—such as in contract, property, and voting—while also promoting women's rights to bodily integrity and autonomy and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and to start businesses.

Post-feminism is a reaction against some perceived contradictions and absences of second-wave feminism. The term post-feminism is ill-defined and is used in inconsistent ways. However, it generally connotes the belief that feminism has succeeded in its goal of ameliorating sexism, making it fundamentally opposed to the third-wave intention of broadening feminist struggle.
It was historically used to pose a contrast with a prevailing or preceding feminism.

To fully grasp the differences between feminist and post feminist views, i chose a video, and wrote about the two different views on it!

Above: Lady gaga's: Lovegame

Feminist Response:

typically, any feminist would criticize the way Gaga is exploiting herself, in front of several men who look as if they want to use her for sex! the way she even lets some of them grab her in areas! makes you think that this is just a "soft" rape scene! and again a feminist would say that men are empowered as there are way more of them compared to the just one female in the video who is completely exploited!
    Post-Feminist Response: 

    Through sexualizing herself,Lady gaga is exploiting men through their sexual desires whilst setting her overall standards the same as men through the entire concept of having the opposite sex drooling over you! The artist/actress is embracing her sexuality as a female and in doing so, sexually empowers females. 
    By visually stimulating the idea of woman-power to have men running after you, Gaga can provide other women with 'narcissistic identification' as they may look at her and see how empowered she is as a woman and identify or aspire to portray and adopt those same values.

      Overall, feminism and post-feminism are very different in their proposals of the representations of women in the media, and more specifically music videos. feminism is strictly against any form of male dominance. therefore women may actually have to restrict themselves from doing certain typically female activities as they may fear that this will present them as a conformist to the male dominating society. However post-feminist's realized that woman - for instance - don't need to repress their sexual desires and needs, and in satisfying their sexual needs and other desires, they are using men as opposed to being used by men. Therefore women aren't being objectified, but rather the men are being objectified to please and satisfy the need and requirements of females instead.

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