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Monday 25 April 2011

Video Production - initial blocked plan

above is the first plan i made before i went and showed it my other group member, it outlines the stuff i thought would be neccessary to do before and during filming, i thought that whatever i had outlined would be the key players in what was needed to be done!

after showing it to my group member, i found that there was ALOT messing, especially to do with elements of the video! and when to contact the artist! as this was made BEFORE i had actually gone and contacted the artist to see what else he needed to be certain of before we got on with filming, so i had to re-do my plan after finding out that enough stuff was missing out, and i was missing key factors like "will the artist actually be able to come out at this point to film" and "how are we going to get to these places?!" and i also had to start choosing locations to film! which is VERY crucial!

so i went on to developing my blocked plan..

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