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Monday 25 April 2011

CD front cover ideas

My first production will inevitably be a Front cover for the album!
So the first thing i decided to do was to research into what album covers of similar artists in the Grime genre look like, so i'd get ideas for mine! the album covers i looked at were:

Above: the front cover for KANO's album "grime St."

Why i looked at this album:
KANO is a grime artist, like Kingsta.

What do i like about this cover?
-the picture itself; its a great shot of Kano, with him looking down, makes him look more "serious" yet modest in a different way to most grime covers with the artist looking aggresively at you
-the editing; the way the lines and circles have been edited in, simply makes it look more attractive, and "active" the cover itself actually appears to have some sort of different "feel" to it, it does stand out even though most of its in grayscale!
-the layout; i actually like the way the name is written going up on the left hand side, its different as you'd normally expect it to be straigh across the middle!

what didn't i like?
-could've used a better shot to be honest...its not really "grimey" enough! but this is helped by having the word "grime" in the front of the cover, and the fact that it says Kano on the front, and everyone knows he's a grime artist, so the pictures acceptable, but since my artist is new...i can't really have him posing like this because not many grime artists WOULD pose like this!

how does it convey genre?
-the fact that it says grime on the front!

What ideas could i take from this and incorporate into my front cover?
- i like the way the name is written, and the editing, i could use both these ideas in my draft!

Above: Lowkeys' album cover

Why i looked at this album cover?
Lowkey is a Grime artist too, and he is anAsian artist, like kingsta!

what do i like about this cover?
-the whole idea of it! its so different and it just stand out so much! i don;t think i've ever seen a cover like it!
-the sticker at the bottom right corner, i know its compulsory..but it also convey's genre doesn't it? because Grime music does actually contain alot of swear words in it, which would require parental advisory
-the artist name written at the top, in clear, you know who it is when you see the cover straight up!

What didn't i like
-only the fact that the pictures too small to be honest

how does it convey genre?
-as explained before, the parental advisory sticker!

What ideas could i take from this and incorporate into my front cover?
-the sticker!

Above: Skepta's unofficial CD cover

Why i looked at this CD cover
-Skepta's possibly one of the greatest grime artists EVER! (in my opinion)

what did i like about this cover?
-the colour scheme: it makes it look attractive
-the graffiti and the city skyline: shows a "street" style, typical of the grime genre
-the background...its...interesting o_O

what didn't i like about this cover?
-no actual image of skepta!
-no album name!
-nothing but a name and a few colours!

how does it convey genre?
-as already mentioned, the street-style of the graffiti

What ideas could i take from this and incorporate into my front cover?
-DEFINETLY the graffiti!

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