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Monday 25 April 2011


Above: my website in the editor!

Above is the link to my final website!

Here's a list of some of the features in it and why i did it that way!

The colours:
-kept the background simple black and white art becuase it makes everything in the foreground easy to read and see without getting confused, it looks pretty good, and it goes with the graffiti font of the main title, you wouldn't really associate that background with any other genre to be honest, it does actually fit with the grime genre!
-the font is white to make it easy to read, and it has impact on the audience too, the way it all jumps out at you
-the pictures are red and white because they are the same as on the CD cover! it works together, and audience can realise how this is all one big "marketing pack" as Kingsta is also wearing the same hoodie he wore in the video too!

the tabs:
-have the little grime icon coming up behind it to convey its genre clearly, (now you know its grime!
-are laid out that way to make it aesthetically pleasing, and it matches the layout on the final draft of the website too
-the font matches the font on the main screen too!

the buttons:
-Home: this is on all pages, so people can navigate back to the homepage (if the need to)

-Bio: a biography of kingsta, from the start of his music career, to now, and what he plans on doing, it creates a second level relationship between artist and audience, as they get to know more about him

-Whats hot: this is the latest news in grime! everything that's "hot" will be posted on this weekly, for audiences to read, and even comment on! and post their own reads! i put this in because it takes my website to the next level! it creates a "global village" where people can get together and read up on whats going on in the grime world!

-Gallery: these are images and videos of Kingsta's music, its typical to almost every other website, so i thought i should put it up too!

-Music: this was an obvious its a music website! its got all his tracks! and a bit of a bio on each track, i.e. how it was composed, its influences etc..

-Mix!: this is a unique feature i came up with, its where fans cna mix kingsta's music! with an embedded software, like fruityloops! it encourages prosuming!

-Fanpage: this was typical to ALL music websites, where fans can interact with eachother, and kingsta can make special appearances here and talk to his fans directly!

-Blogger: this is a link to Kingsta's blog (which has a link to THIS blog) so people can know WAY more about the music and really get "in the know" about his music!

-Contact: alot of websites i looked at had this feature! its where fans can actually contact the artist, with anything they want to say, comments, constructive feedback, or just general praise for his music!

overall i think my website has done very well in achieving its goal..which was to create another dimension for consumers to come on to know more about Kingsta, and be more involved with his music, which is the general modern day trend, where people can do more than just listen to music, but actually become part of it, and influence it! which audiences just love doing!

Differences with other productions
its simple, im GCSE i made a website using powerpoint! and this is an actual website which is now available online for the world to see!

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