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Monday 25 April 2011

Post-production analysis

challenges faced: 
when i put up all my work to Finalcut, i found that MANY scenes had poor lighting! and the framing in alot of scenes was very poor! so i had to go re-shoot so many scenes to make it look better! which was a huge problem as the deadline was drawing closer!

another challenge i faced when editing was getting everything in sync! there were many scenes where the music was playing just fine, but the lips were moving at different times! so i had to carefully cut every scene to the music! which felt like it took forever!

effects used and why
i didn't use many effects, just a couple where i had to brighten it up a bit because some scenes were too dull, otherwise it just looked like your average grime video! another effect i used was nearer to the end of the video, where i put 4/5 frames onto the screen at the same time, just to keep audiences interest constant at the video draws to a close

transitions and captions
i didn't use a single transition in my production for two reasons, 1) i was running out of time! 2) in my research..i found that grime videos always use jump cuts! im not sure about the reason for this, but there was only jump cuts in the videos i saw! so i just kept to that trend

development of concept during post production (how has it changed from storyboard version?)
since my first concept, it felt like EVERYTHING had been changed based on audience feedback! my initial idea was to have the artist against a black screen just rapping, and now its become a case where the artist is out everywhere in different locations doing different things! this was purely based on audience research, this is what people wanted to see! but still..i'm very happy with the final outcome!

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