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Thursday 14 April 2011

Roles in the Music industry

A music institution is centered around promoting an artist to several audience types, all audiences come under one umbrella of the music market, within institutions there are people who will make this possible, by targeting specific audiences through their input into the final product, these people are;

Artists and repertoire (A&R) 
is the division of a record label that is responsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development of recording artists. It also acts as a liaison between artists and the record label.
The Engineer -  
Audio engineering concerns the creative and practical aspects of sounds and music, in contrast with the formal engineering discipline known as acoustical engineering. The physical recording of any project is done by an engineer... the nuts and bolts. Many recording engineers also invented new technology, equipment and techniques, to enhance the process and art. 
The Producer
 is an individual working within the music industry, whose job it is to oversee and manage the recording (i.e. "production") of an artist's music. A producer has many roles that may include, but are not limited to, gathering ideas for the project, selecting songs and/or musicians, coaching the artist and musicians in the studio, controlling the recording sessions, and supervising the entire process through mixing and mastering. Producers also often take on a wider entrepreneurial role, with responsibility for the budget, schedules, and negotiations.
The Promoter
simply the person who has control of the promotional aspect of the marketing campaign for the artist, this is where the artist's name is sent out as far as possible into the market through advertising, promoters will also look for opportunities to sign contracts with sponsors and venues and link with other brands etc.
The Manager - A music manager may be hired by a musician or band, or the manager may discover the band, and the relationship is usually contractually bound with mutual assurances, warranties, performances guarantees, and so forth. The manager's main job is to help with determining decisions related to career moves, bookings, promotion, business deals, recording contracts, etc. The role of music managers can be extensive and may include similar duties to that of a press agent, promoter, booking agent, business manager (who are usually certified public accountants), tour managers, and sometimes even a personal assistant. 
The Tour Manager
makes sure bands/artists reach their destinations on time on tour, and look after the artist on tour.
The Publisher -exploits the artist's talents widely and gets copyrights for their music
The Booking Agent - the person who will arrange times for the artist to physically approach their audiences, or when the artist can make moves to studios etc, a booking agent basically makes a timetable for the artist.
The Plugger -
person that literally "plugs the artist" into DJ's playlists at different places, like clubs, pubs etc..

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