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Monday 25 April 2011

video production - Editing

Editing is the process of selecting and preparing written, visual, audible, and film medium used to convey information through the processes of correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media, performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate, and complete output.

After the production stage (gathering ALL my footage after audience and artist feedback) i had to go into the editing rooms and import all the footage and edit it! this was a lengthy process and took at least 2 hours minimum every day spent in the schools editing room, and sometimes even more! (closer to the deadline i was working at least 4 hours in there including lunch hours!)

the software i used was the newer version of final cut pro, which was different to what i used in AS LEVEL as this had more features and i found more straightforward to use (maybe because i had already been using it before!)

i could use transitions, effects, captions, cut down shots, re-frame by zooming in and out, filters and all sorts to change my footage into a full on music video!

 What would i have done if i had another chance at editing:
time keeping! i would have spent WAY more time in there editing! and receiving feedback along the way!

how was this different to AS production and any other production i may have done?
simple, there was MORE work being demanded, i had to make an ENTIRE music video! and in AS i only didn't have to worry about the cutting rate being in time with the music as much as i did here!

The Edits i made to my footage! 

when i walked into the editing room at school, the first thing i had to do was transfer everything from an SD card onto the computer, so i had more than 30mins footage to edit down into a 3minute clip..which..if you think about it..makes things easier! (this was AFTER i re-shot everything after i found out that the lighting was poor in my previous footage) so each clip was to last about 3-4 seconds, some being a bit longer, some being a bit shorter! 

1) the first thing i ensured, was that the shot..ended after a beat, so i edited in time with the music! for example, when kingsta says "you aint seen me when im vexxed bro" straight after bro there's a break, and the shot changes over , i keep this theme throughout the entire video!

2) some scenes were made brighter (the one in the studio) to make it look better

3) i didn't use transitions..because i was running out of time after reshooting, and i spent ALOT of time trying to sync the sound and get the cutting rate just right

4)nearer to the end i got all the shots coming onto the screen together, just for something the audience can enjoy!

5) some scenes were tilted, then the background was filled with the streets of ilford, because i didn't want the background to be plainly black after tilting the scenes around!

6) i put a fade at the end of the video to fade out the music so it sounds good!

7)i put text at the start saying "K.S.K productions with KINGSTA 'Woos DAT' underneath it! in white text (to make it stand out and make it easy for the audience to read!

-well, in AS i didn't have as much footage to edit! and i wasn't in such pressure to make something like a music video! which had WAY more scenes than a title sequence (my AS level production) i mean, i didn't have to sync the music, i didn't have to worry about cutting rate really, or framing as much as i needed to in music videos!

-in AS i managed to get everything done quickly, because in a title sequence you just have to cut up shots, put the next to eachother, then lay the music on top!

-this production was WAY more demanding, because at the same time i had to make a website too!