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Saturday 16 April 2011

The portrayal of women in the music industry

if i were to ask you for your perception of women in music, the majority of people would picture a woman who is COMPLETELY sexualised*, and most men would think of her body more than the music she produces! and if i were to ask you for your perception of female dancers in music videos, chances are, you'd picture a woman who would be wearing barely anything, flaunting her augmented breasts, "bubble butt", "amazing" legs, oiled up body, and layers upon layers of make up! not much difference between the two is there?

the reason for this is purely to make money! because that's what the music industry is all about, yes videos with bikini-clad women will cause controversy, but ultimately its going to grab public attention which the industry can make money from! has it ever occured to you why the best female singers in music have such great body's? beyonce...shakirah..katie perry.. and isn't it funny how they're very known for their "hot" bodies...but if i asked you to sing out the lyrics from all their songs, you wouldn't know because you were too busy staring at their bodies! unless you're genuinely into their music, then thats fair play.

*Sexualization is the act or process of sexualizing. It refers to the making of a person, group or thing to be seen as sexual in nature or a person to become aware of sexuality. It can also refer to the making of an interpersonal relationship into a sexual relationship.

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